RXF Group: “Does it make sense to cancel your event?”
RXF Group: “Does it make sense to cancel your event?”
RXF's provocation comes from a new integrated streaming platform, launched on March 4, "when all this Covid-19 crisis was just beginning in Portugal," recalls Pedro Miguel Ramos, the CEO of the Group.
"Our platform allows for hybrid or fully online events, with all the necessary interaction, enabling the best event experience for all participants, whether they are on stage, alone at home or in a room with 200 seats," explains Pedro Miguel Ramos. But more important than all the technological solutions, "is the support that our team provides to all participants. A speaker who wants to show a video or presentation, a moderator who is concerned about questions from the audience, a participant who would like to share one or two slides from a pitch... and all of them can count on our technical team to accompany, review and confirm." It is this standard of service that "we have long cultivated in live events, and we are prepared to replicate it online, in the digital realm, thanks also to our partners spread across the world, which allows us to connect Porto, Lisbon or Faro to New York, Berlin or São Paulo, for example."
In addition to features such as chat, voting, polls, and a board for sharing ideas, RXF can make point-to-point connections, allowing for seamless communication in both directions, and now has a new fully equipped virtual studio.
The combination of these various elements, a solid web platform, support from an experienced technical team, and the fact that they had a solution available for the market as soon as it was needed, leaves the head of RXF Group optimistic. "The pharmaceutical industry was the first to signal that they were open to a solution like ours, and to turn to it," concludes Pedro Miguel Ramos.
Published por: Event Point